You are more likely an Indigo child !
Indigo children have been discovered around 1984 while they have always been there, therefor it seems like you are one of them.You’re very caring and you have strong emapthy for others. People think you’re wise beyond your age and come to you when they need advice. because of your sensitivity and your empathy you always give the right advice. It is very easy for you to understand other people’s feelings. You can also rely on you intuition and it mostly ends up being right.You’re a non-conformist and stubborn, you stick to your beliefs but you can still listen to other people’s opinion without being influenced by their beliefs. You hate authority and you won’t listen if there is no aivalable reason ; you always need to know ‘why’. Even though you seem steady ‘n strong at the outside, you’re very kind and sensitive at the inside. People like you for your generosity, your kindness and your advice. You’re very creative and you’ve developped abstract thinking at a very young age.Are you a normal person an indigo, crystal or Rainbw child ?
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